Events and Seminars


Workshop on Climate Change

Organized by

ECO CLUB, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida

23th March, 2015



Eco Club of Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized a Workshop on Awareness Program on Climate Change and Its Effect on World Meteorological Day on 23th March, 2015. The program is supported by UN Convention on Climate Change. The event aimed to create awareness in environmental issues. Mr. Anuj Kumar Dwivedi, City Coordinator, Green (R) evolution Action Against Climate Change ICCE conducted the session.

The event began with the floral welcome of Mr. Dwivedi followed by the welcome note by Prof. S.K Bagga, Honorable Director, DGI, Gr. Noida. He stated that eco-system affects our day to day life directly and indirectly and it is completely our duty to check, maintain and achieve a balance in nature and eco-system.

Mr. Anuj Dwivedi began the event with a presentation on Action Against Climate Change with videos to show the effect of climate change and discussed the entire consequences. Mr. Dwivedi further discussed that human dependence on electronic gadgets such as AC, TV, mobile phones etc. is growing at large pace. The ignorance towards the home garbage as well as toxic byproducts of industries has increased to a limit that the ozone layer is depleting at faster rate leading to unbalanced nature consequences. Mr. Dwivedi also focused on the curses of Climate Change on human society.

Towards the end of his presentation the students came out with their queries. They were also suggested by the resource person to apply various methods to control climate change with some efforts such as promotion of afforestation, reduction of Cuff’s, reduction of Carbon emission etc. He motivated the students with the well- known quote “As charity begins at home” similarly a proper check on our day to day activity from home, college, office etc. can rectify things easily and smoothly.

The workshop came to an end with Prof. B.L Kaul, Registrar, DGI, Greater Noida presenting a memento to Mr. Anuj Dwivedi. Student coordinators of the event Arshnoor Tandon (CE-IV) and Rajan Shah (CE-IV) rendered Vote of Thanks.

The entire session was informative in terms of Green Revolution and it equipped the students with the greater sense of self responsibility to make this earth a better place to live.

The event was coordinated by Dr. Neeraj Bala and Ms. Rashmi, Coordinators, ECO Club - DGI.

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