Mr. Yadav highlighted the benefits of having IEI membership, which are:
1. Opportunity to participate in technical events e.g. Seminar, Symposia, Conventions, Workshops etc. organized by various IEI centers at State, National and International Levels.
2. IEI has forged partnership with the globally renowned journal publishing house: SPRINGER. Corporate Members can make free e-access by logging in through and can avail the journal hard copies at a concessional rate.
3. Grant of Rs 15,000/- to the author of the best one of the accepted papers to be presented in the Annual Convention/ General Assembly/ Congress organized by the country with which IEI has a MoU / Agreement.
4. Corporate Members are entitled to receive the monthly tabloid ‘IEI NEWS’ and yearly publication ‘TECHNORAMA’ free of cost.
5. Corporate Members employed in Educational Institutes are normally given preference in the disbursement of grant - in - aid of R&D activities.
6. Corporate Members may be empanelled as internal project guide in Section B Examination conducted by IEI as per norms. (Sec A & B exam are treated as equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering for Recruitment/ Promotion in central Government Organization).
7. Corporate Members are entitled to receive Chartered Engineer certificate on payment of requisite fee.
8. Corporate Members may avail the opportunity of staying in the IEI guest houses spread over all important locations in India. |