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Indo-US Technology Summit Events 2014        

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida


Indo-US Technology Summit- Tackling 21st Century Challenges Together


Expo Mart, Greater Noida


18th - 19th November, 2014


Confederation of Indian Industry organized Indo-U.S Technology Summit- Tackling 21st Century Challenges Together on 18th and 19th November, 2014 at Expo Mart, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The objective of the event was to create mentoring and networking opportunities for women in the fields of science and technology.


Ms. Shivani Arora, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the event as a delegate.


18th November, 2014

The event commenced with the welcome remarks by Dr. Smriti Trikha, Senior Science Manager, Indo-Us Science and Technology Forum. Special addresses were delivered by Dr. Renu Swaroop, Senior Advisor, Department of Bio-Technology, Govt of India, Dr. Anita Gupta Scientist F/Director and Associate Head, National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Board Department of science & Technology, Govt. of India, Ambassador Kathleen Stephens, Charge d’affaires, a.i., Embassy of the United States of America, Prof. K.Vijay Raghavan Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, and Dr. Jonathan Margolis, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science Space, and Health Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. In the first panel the resource persons were Ms. Shweta Khurana, Head K12 Education Corporate Affairs Group, Intel `South Asia, Ms. Ankhi Das Public Policy Director-India, South & Central Asia, Facebook, Ms. Pratibha Amonkar Director, Audience Marketing, Microsoft India, and Ms. Diane Farrell, President ,U.S.Business Council (USIBC) Ms. Elizabeth Hernandez Vice President, Corporate Affairs Asia Pacific and Japan, HP.


In the first panel discussion the resource persons were Ms. Shweta Khurana, Head K12 Education Corporate Affairs Group, Intel South Asia, Ms. Ankhi Das, Public Policy Director-India, South & Central Asia, Facebook, Ms. Pratibha Amonkar, Director, Audience Marketing, Microsoft India, Ms. Diane Farrell, President, U.S. Business Council (USIBC) and Ms. Elizabeth Hernandez, Vice President, Corporate Affairs Asia Pacific and Japan, HP. The discussion focused on leading Indian and U.S. women Tech Entrepreneurs and Leaders who inspire women and professionals to opt careers in science and technology and reaching at the top. They also discussed the role of WOMEN IN SCIENCE which is one of the priority areas for engagement between the United States and India. Both countries share a common goal of promoting, enabling and retaining women in science.


In the second panel discussion the resource persons were Dr. Jaya Singh, Director, BKC WeatherSys Pvt. Ltd., Dr. Pooja Mukul Technical Consultant, Bhagwan Mahabeer Viklang Sahayata Samiti , Dr. Ayesha Chaudhary, Co-founder, Windmill health Technologies and Dr. Susane Amrose, Project Scientist and Lecturer, University of California, Brekeley. They focused on the vital role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in introducing innovations to the market. They also play a central part in creating livelihoods for workers and raising income. In India, the MSME sector contributes over a third of manufacturing value-added, and two-fifths to exports. It has also been pointed out that access to affordable and formal finance is one of the key roadblocks in the entrepreneurial system. The discussion also focused on opportunities and challenges for women in science in both countries, and the role of the government.


19th November, 2014

The resource persons for the second day panel discussion were Dr. S S Mantha, Chairman, AICTE, Dr. Shanthi Johnson, Professor & Associate Dean (Research and Graduate studies) at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies, University of Regina, and Prof. Gita Rajan, Professor of English, Fairfield University, USA. They said that the cumulative strength of post-secondary students in India is approximately 28 million. With the third largest higher education system in the world, India adds roughly 2 million students every year to its 640+universities and over 45,000 colleges. This large-scale influx of potential job seekers in the market every year adds to the ones already present and increases pressure on the system. Since the absorption capacity of industry does not increase at a commensurate pace every year, it is essential that more students should become job creators rather than job seekers. They also said that almost 60 per cent of school children drop out by class VIII. National Skills Qualification Framework addresses the issue of cross mobility among non-formal school education, vocational education and higher education. With a focus on learning outcomes instead of inputs, the framework for the first time is set to change the way education is imparted.


The takeaways of the event were to support the cause of innovation and entrepreneurship by promoting the knowledge ecosystem in the country. It will be very important to bring all the existing players in entrepreneurial space to create the momentum which is lacking in the country. Funding bodies, incubators, investors, industry, academia and government need to come closer to understand each other’s needs and demands. Right policy dialogue need to take place facilitating a roadmap for crating essential policy measures at National, State, and Student level. Also synergy among all the levels needs to be ensured.


The session came to an end with the round table discussion leading to constructive ideas and suggestions for the smooth functioning of technology, knowledge, design, and also aimed to enrich our understanding of technical changes globally.








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