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Mathematical Analysis and Applications Events 2016        

QIP Short term course on “Mathematical Analysis and Applications”


4th - 8th July 2016


Day 1: 04-07-2016


A QIP Short Term Course was organized by IIT Roorkee on “Mathematical Analysis and Applications”. Mr. Prassan Sharma, Assistant Professor, APS Department, Dronachraya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the STC. The objective of the course was to provide the participants an opportunity to see how Mathematical Analysis can be applied in various contexts to solve the problem. The course was coordinated under the supervision of Dr. P.N Aggarwal.


Day 1: 04-07-2016


In the first session Prof. Rama Bhargav, IIT Roorkee discussed that how to get motivated for research in mathematics. She explained the new research topic in Mathematics. In next lecture, Prof P.N Aggarwal discussed the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem and its application.


In the second session, Prof. S Chandra Shekhar Rao, IIT Delhi discussed the Developments in Numerical Analysis. Next, Prof. Savita Bhatnagar, PU Chandigarh gave introduction to cantor set and explained its application. The last lecture of the first day was on Development in Numerical Analysis by Prof. S Chandra Shekhar.


Day 2: 05-07-2016


Prof. Savita Bhatnagar, PU Chandigarh started the session and discussed the types of Generalized Integrals. After that Dr. D.N Pandey, IIT Roorkee gave a lecture on Controllability and Stability and explained their behavior. He explained how to link stability in functional analysis. The second day lectures ended with a lecture of Prof. P.N Aggarwal on Trigonometric Polynomial of best approximation.


Day 3: 06-06-2016


In the first session Dr. Uaday Singh, IIT Roorkee explained the results on Convergence. He explained how a series Converge and Diverge in the given domain. Proceeding the session Dr. Mani Mehra IIT Roorkee gave Lecture on Introduction to Wavelets. She also explained how wavelet is introduced in Mathematics. Next Prof. Margreta Heilmann from Germany gave a sound lecture on Approximation of Continuous Function and its Characterization. She explained how initial value property and uniqueness theorem is the basic need for continuous function.


Day 4: 07-07-2016


Fourth day started with a lecture on Summability Method by Dr. Uaday Singh. In the next session Prof. P.N Aggarwal explained D. Jackson Theorem and its application. He explained how this theorem has its application in physics also. Dr. lalit kumar from University of Delhi took the last session of the day and gave a lecture on its own research work Frames in Banach Space. He also linked Banach Space theory to Summability Method.


Day 5: 08-07-2016


Prof R.C Mittal started the session and gave a lecture on analysis of Numerical Method and Numerical techniques. After this Prof. Margreta Helimann from Germany gave a lecture on approximation of Continuous function Algorithm. In the last session Prof. R.C Mittal explained analysis of Numerical methods.


The course ended with the certificate distribution to all the participants with the feedback session.


Through the STC programe participants understood the skill set of Mathematics and how the teachers can identify and motivate students with the same.


Some Glimpses:









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