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NMEICT ISTE Events 2014        

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida


NMEICT ISTE Coordinators Workshop on ‘Fluid Mechanics’


Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


March 11th - 15th, 2014



One Week “Coordinator’s Workshop” on Fluid Mechanics under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) was organized by IIT Kharagpur during 11th- 15th March, 2014. Mrs. Sushila Mishra, Assistant Professor, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the workshop along with 249 participants from different colleges all across the country. Prof. Sankar Kumar Som, Prof. Suman Chakraborty and Prof. Sandipan Ghosh Moulic, teachers from IIT Kharagpur were the resource person The objective of the workshop was to provide in-depth knowledge about the Fluid Mechanics in order to train teachers on the methodology to be followed in the T10KT Project.


March 11th, 2014
The workshop was inaugurated on 11th March, 2014 at 9:30 AM by  Prof. SundararajanT, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT, Madras. Prof. ParthaPratim Chakrabarti, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur  presided over the function. The session started  with inaugural address by Prof. S.K Som. He explained the objectives of The National Mission on Education through NME-ICT and various ongoing projects at IIT Kharagpur. Prof. Som explained the perspective of fluid mechanics which is basically the behavior of liquids and gases in rest or in motion. He emphasized that many intriguing curiosities can be easily explained on the basis of fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics.


March 12th, 2014
Prof. Suman Chakraborty
discussed concept of fluid statics and fluid elements under rigid body motion. Stress distribution in fluids was explained with mathematical functions. Forces on submerged bodies and curved surfaces were also dealt with. In the afternoon session in-depth discussion was held on Fluid Statics that covered pressure variation in a static fluid, force on submerged surfaces and stability of floating bodies.


March 13th, 2014
On day two Prof.Sandipan Ghosh Moulic an expert of Fluid Mechanics explained the concept of Kinematics of Fluids Flow, Dynamics of Inviscid Flow, Reynolds Transport Theorem and Dynamics of Viscous Flow. These concepts were supplemented by real life examples. Prof. Ghosh Moulic also discussed on how to train students and take real life problem from various domains to draw attention and create interest among students. He said the primary duty of a teacher is to make the subject/topic interesting so that student becomes eager to learn it.


March 14th, 2014
Third day began with discussion on pipe flow, potential flow and fluid machines by Prof. SumanChakarborty. Practical applications of Pumps, Turbines were discussed by using various numerical problems. A case study was also discussed about selection of pumps for oil wells. In the evening, all the participants along with IIT professors gathered together for a networking session. This session was a good platform for exchange of ideas between participants and with the professors from IIT Kharagpur.


March 15th, 2014
On the concluding day of the workshop, Prof. SumanChakarborty continued with discussion on fluid machines. A brief discussion on principal of similarity and dimensional analysis was also held. The technical session ended with derivation of specific speed of pump followed by question answer session.


Prof. Raja Dutta, Principal Investigator was the Chief Guest for the concluding session. Prof. Dutta shared his thought on initiative taken by NMEICT to Train 10 thousand teachers”. He elaborated on how IIT Kharagpur and IIT Bombay are working as partner institutes to improve the teaching skills of engineering college teachers of the country in core Engineering and science subjects.


The workshop ended with distribution of Certificate of Participation to the participants.








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