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Pro-AV Technology Events 2014        

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida


Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Seminar on Leveraging Pro-AV Communications Technology in Propelling India’s Digital Future


FICCI, New Delhi


21st November, 2014


Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) organized a Seminar on “Leveraging Pro-AV Communications Technology in Propelling India’s Digital Future” on 21st November, 2014. Ms. Rakhi Agarwal, Faculty, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering attended the event as invitee along with 10 students Jatin Gupta, Gunjit Sidher, Manish Mohan, Akshay Rathore, Abhishek Singh, Gursimran Kaur, Devender Sharma, Dev Tripathi, Jaydeep Rathore and Devrat Gupta of Second year.


Pro-AV broadly means Professional Audio video system integration technologies. Pro-AV technologies have been one of the audio visual industry’s true pioneers for over 30 years in western world. These technologies have revolutionized the way they work, reduced their operating costs and environmental impact, increased productivity at every level regardless of market and sector. The seminar focused on the gravity of Pro-AV communication in modern world along with the emerging Global Trends of Pro-AV technologies.


Eminent speakers from the world of Communication technologies participated and expressed their views regarding importance of Pro AV in government as well private sector.


Mr. Rajesh Patkar, Deputy General Manager, Christie Digital Systems(India) Pvt. Ltd. raised concern over lack of infrastructure in educational institutes and problems faced in communication due to this. He stressed on the need of designing and installing good system AV before implementation of any infrastructure.


Mr. Jonathan Seller, Director of Development (Asia/Pacific), Infocomm International discussed the importance of the education and skill development as a crucial parameter in the global infrastructure construction. He focused on the need to improve the education system of our country in the direction of pro AV digital communication technology.


Mr. Ranjan Mathews , Director General , COAI brought forward the vitality of data in video form in the digital data oriented global industry which is increasingly depending on moving accessories like mobile phones. He also urged for one prominent network establishment for seamless Communication which is barred because of constrained imposed by spectrum.

Dr. (Ms.) Shefali Sushil Dash of NIC (National Institute of Informatics) elaborated about National eGovernance Plan with the following goals-:

- Enhancing the portfolio of citizen centric services

- Desirability of optimum usage of core infrastructure for rapid replication

- Need to exploit emerging technology like cloud computing , mobile technology etc.

- Need for introducing more agile implementation models

- Transformation not Translation

- Fast track approval

- Cloud by default

- Mobile first

- Mandatory standards and protocols

Jonathan Seller concluded the meeting with a request to the participating institutes and organizations to have the resolve to keep in mind Pro-AV before designing any infrastructure. AV technology is truly awesome, but it takes imagination, innovation and integration to really make the difference and that’s the art of proAV.

The students experienced a wholesome exposure and were high on motivation listening to talks rendered by the distinguished guests. They accrued awareness towards Pro-AV communication Technologies in new era of digital India.







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