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Signals and Systems Events 2014        

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida


Two Week ‘Signals and Systems Workshop’


Organized by


IIT Bombay/Kharagpur


January 2nd to 12th, 2014


Mr. Raj Ranjan Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended 10 days workshop on Signals and Systems whichwas held at Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon from 2nd to 12th January, 2014. It was organised by IIT, Kharagpur under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (MHRD, Govt. of India) in association with IIT Bombay.


Inaugurating the workshop Prof. (Dean) O.P. Shah, CET, IIT Kharagpur, Prof. V. M. Gadre, Department of EEE, IIT Bombayand Prof. Somnath Sen gupta, Project Coordinator, Dept. of EEE, IIT Kharagpur welcomed all the participants of 237 remote centres in which more than 9000 faculties were participated and shared the advantages of this workshop.


The inaugural session was conducted by Prof. Vikram M. Gadre, who delivered a lecture on basic concepts on ‘Introduction to Signals and Systems’ and discussed various types and properties of system like Linear/Non-Linear, Homogenous/Non-homogenous, Shift Invariant/Variant, Additive/Non-Additive and Causal/Non-Causal/Anti-Causal.


Following contents were covered by different experts during the workshop:-

1. LSI concept, LSI system characterizations

2. LSI system-Causality and stability, Complex exponential and sinusoidal inputs

3. Fourier Transform Scilab simulation

4. Wavelet Transforms - by Prof. Vikram M. Gadre.

5. Laplace Transforms by

6. Z-Transforms

7. Theory of sampling.

8. Application and Research domains of Signal and Systems - by Prof. Somnath Sen gupta.


In morning session of the workshop the theoretical parts were covered and in afternoon session tutorials and interactive session on the related topics were held on each day of workshop. For interactive session a new learning technique ‘Think Pair and Share’ was introduced which was of much benefit to the faculty members. The participants had to perform practical on Scilab (A free software tool from IIT Bombay).


They had to participate in quiz on clicker software through AKASH Tablet. On the penultimate day one hour Moodle Quiz was also conducted.


The workshop ended on 12th January, 2014 after the valedictory speech of Prof. (Dr.) Deepak B. Phatak, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Bombay who congratulated everyone for the successful completion of the workshop and delivered an inspirational talk on ‘Role of Teachers in Academics and in the Field of Research’.


Mr. Praveen Prakash (IAS) from MHRD, New Delhi addressed the participants and shared the future plans of the Ministry to conduct more such workshops for the enhancement of quality technical education in India.


Encouraging the participants, Prof. Somnath Sen Gupta said that one should emphasize more on innovative learning process and more seriousness was needed in conducting labs. He also said that more workshops will be held in near future.


On the closing ceremony, Dr. M. N. Hussain, Principal, DCE, Gurgaon presented the Provisional Certificates to all the participants of the workshop and thanked them for sparing their precious time for the programme.








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