Faculty Development Program at Entrepreneurship Development Institute |
15-26th December 2014 |
Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Ahmedabad conducted a Faculty Development Program for guiding and motivating students for taking entrepreneurship as their career. The program was supported by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. Ms. Shivani Arora Assistant Professor, MBA Department from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the 15 days Faculty Development Program from 15-26 December 2014. There were 23 trainees in the Faculty Development Program from all over India. |
The training provided a platform where faculties from different institutions learned to act as guide and counsel students towards an entrepreneurial career. The various sessions and discussions, activities etc. trained faculties so that they can conduct Entrepreneurship related activities independently. |
On 15th December 2014 Dr. Pankaj Bharti, Program Coordinator, welcomed the participants and gave an Introduction to the Course. He lectured on “Accessing Entrepreneurial Tendency & Competency”. During the session, “General Enterprising Tendency Test” was conducted. The test was conducted for developing a scale for measuring entrepreneurial intention amongst the participants. Prof. S B Sareen, Faculty-EDI gave a brief session on Promoting Entrepreneurship (S&T) and particularly the role played by DST & EDI. He also explained how to generate revenue and where to apply for proposals. |
On 16th December 2014 Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India took session on “Entrepreneurship and ED Process” and “Entry barriers & Curriculum Development” and discussed about Entrepreneurship and gave examples of risk and rewards of Entrepreneurship. Prof. Nagesh Shah‘s session was on “Forms of Business & Statutory Requirements”. He focused on the factors which required before starting new enterprise like Nature of Business, Scale of operations, Degree of Control, Capital Requirement, Volume of risks and liabilities, Tax liabilities. |
On 17th December 2014 Dr. Siddiqui and Dr. Pankaj Bharti arranged an Entrepreneurial Motivation Training. For the motivation, various activities were planned like Thematic Apperception Test, Ring Activities etc. After that, Dr. Siddiqui conducted Thematic Apperception Test. During the test, 6 pictures were shown and participants were asked to write a story based on those pictures. Dr. Pankaj Bharti conducted Ring Toss Activity for checking the decision making capability of the participants. He discussed about Moderated Calculated Risk taking behaviour of individuals. He also discussed about learning process for entrepreneurs i.e. learning from own mistakes and learning from others mistakes. |
On 18th December 2014 Dr. Siddiqui continued with Achievement Motivation Training (AMT). Then a Self-Rating Questionnaire Discussion was conducted for checking Entrepreneurial Competency ability to complete a job or task assigned to the individual. |
Dr. Pankaj Bharti stated the following points as major clusters for identifying one’s capabilities: |
1. Achievement
2. Thinking and Problem Solving
3. Personal Maturity
4. Influence
5. Directing and Controlling |
Dr. Dinesh Avasthi, Director EDI shared his views on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. He focused on following points: |
1. GDP
2. Given resources, how resources are utilized.
3. Economic Growth
4. Economic Development
5. Growth without development |
On 19th December 2014 Entrepreneurship research methodology topic was discussed by Prof. G S Gupta, Management Consultant. He started with most revolutionary game changer research examples such as wheel, paper money and fuel in the initial days. Then he discussed that there are two types of data analysis i.e. Descriptive (Central Tendency) and Inferential (Correlation). |
The next sessions of the day was “Emerging Business Opportunities and Policy Measures” by Prof. Chandan Chatterjee. He discussed about Pre Incubation Stage, Incubation stage and Post Incubation Stage. |
On 20th December 2014 the session on “Business Opportunity Identification & Source of Information” was taken by Mr. J B Patel. He discussed the factors responsible for feasibility of business opportunity i.e. market feasibility, technical feasibility and financial feasibility. Then, the session had idea generation activity where participants were divided in 3 groups and each group came up with 10 ideas. The feasibility of ideas was discussed and what are the factors responsible/ hurdles in starting those ventures. Truck Assignment Activity was conducted by Dr. Pankaj Bharti for analysing creativity and decision making competency of the participants. The activities were conducted for understanding others role in the organization and intragroup dynamics i.e. understanding one’s own need and understanding other’s need. |
On 22nd December 2014 AMT Exercise i.e. Business Simulation Exercise was conducted by Dr. Pankaj Bharti. The activity was conducted for understanding and utilizing the resources and the qualities in achieving production, profit and a target on the basis of suggestions given in different circumstances. In Business Plan Preparation-Market Analysis Prof. Umesh Menon, discussed Macro-Economic view impact of Project on National Economy. He discussed Macro-Micro Environment - Internal and External Variables like Govt. Policies, Demand, Natural Resources, Competition, and Level of Technology. |
On 23rd December 2014 in Business Plan Preparation – Technical Analysis Prof. Umesh Menon, discussed marketing strategy i.e. an approach to potential clients - to inform, to encourage and to make it convenient to acquire the project’s output in the face of competition. The session on Financial Analysis & Methodology to access feasibility by Prof. Mayank Upadhaya, discussed that the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets and other finance-related entities to determine their suitability for investment is financial analysis. |
On 24th December 2014 Prof. Mayank Upadhaya discussed about the Cash flow i.e. Cash flow from operation, cash flow from investment and cash flow from finance. He stressed on the expectations from investor i.e. serving them for cost of capital and redeeming the capital. He explained in details about the term depreciation i.e. gradual recovery of investment. The discussion then proceeded towards the term EBIT i.e. a term used for measuring efficiency of capital. Prof. P G Makhija took session of the day on Business Profile Preparation by where the participants had hands on practice about the skills required for profile preparation. |
On 25th December 2014 the participants visited IIM Ahmedabad campus. The visit was arranged so that participants can interact with the personnel and enhance knowledge. Participants visited the Vikram Sarabhai Library at IIM Ahmedabad. An Industrial Visit was organized to Kamakshi Flexi prints run by Mr. Harish Goel. Mr. Harish interacted with the participants and shared his experience about starting a venture and all the barriers that he came across. |
On the last day i.e. 26th December 2014 the session was taken by Dr. Sunil Shukla on Corporate Entrepreneurship: Intrapreneurship. According to Dr. Shukla, Intrapreneurship is a process whereby an individual or group of individuals, in association with an existing organization creates a new organization or instigates renewal or innovation within an organization. He also discussed about Expopreneurship, Incubational Placement and System and Sequence of Behaviour. |
Ms. Pratibha Sharma along with the teammates presented an action plan for Short term courses i.e. having a duration of 3-4 weeks. After the Action plan presentation, the program ended with Valedictory session and the occasion was graced by Dr. Dinesh Avasthi, Director EDI along with Dr. Sunil Shukla, Dr. Siddiqui and Dr. Pankaj Bharti. All the participants were awarded with completion certificate at the end of the program. |
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