Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida |
CII Northern Regional Annual Meeting & Conference on Make in North : |
Resetting Growth Trajectory |
Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi |
19th March’ 2015 |
An Annual Regional Meeting and Conference on “Make in North: Resetting Growth Trajectory” was organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on 19th March’2015 at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi. Dr. Sahab Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies and Mr. Lokendra Kumar Yadav, student of MBA 1st year from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the conference. |
The objective of this meeting was to provide overviews, share success story of CII Northern Region and to outline the directions for the coming year through a healthy discussion by focusing upon new economic reforms to overcome the bottlenecks by providing a platform to interact with a larger group of CII Members, Renowned Policy Makers, Strategic Thinkers, Academic Institutions and relevant Stakeholders from Singapore.
Session 1: Inaugural Session
Mr. Jubin Irani, Chairman CII-Northern Region and President-Building and Industrial Systems (India) welcomed Chief Guest, Secretary, Past Chairs and Audience wholeheartedly and focused upon the activities of the year 2014-15 by sharing some major achievement of CII-NR, in his key address. |
Mr. Ajay S Shriram, President-CII-NR and Chairman & Chief Managing Director-DCM Shriram Ltd., complemented Chairs, Past Chairs and entire CII team engaged with Government Ministries and Secretarial Staff for making reforms and their implementation to make things happen by providing an excellent path for a better tomorrow. Further he extended his profound wishes to Mr. Irani for taking his responsibilities with zeal and to Mr. Srikanth Somany, Vice Chair, CII- Northern Region for a great job throughout the year under his praiseworthy leadership, in his remarks. |
Mr. Shreekant Somany, Deputy Chairman-CII-NR Council addressed his sincere thanks to Mr. Irani for his timely support to the organization and managing all necessary meetings with government officials for bringing Region on the top across the nation in the globe. |
Mr. Chanderjit Banerjee, Director General-CII, greeted all stakeholders for putting their valued efforts in making things easy and achievable by providing a never-ending support to CII Northern Region and urged them to continue it in future to turn Honourable Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Damodar Dass Modi and his Government’s clarion call “Make in India” into the reality. |
Session 2: Panel Discussion
Mr. Lim Thuan Kuan, High Commissioner-Singapore to India, India has 142 number out of 189 countries while Singapore is #1 in terms of Ease of Doing Business across the world as per recent World Bank Report. However India is the largest 5th economy of the world but there is too much to learn in Singapore and therefore we are here to discuss the things how the India can reach in the category of top ten in the same area, said Mr. Kuan in his speech. |
Professor TAN Khee Giap, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Asia Competitiveness Institute-Lee Kuan Yew, has shown the interest of Singapore Governments “Aid for Trade” by signing a Memorandum of Understanding between CII and LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore to help economy become more competitive with improved Ease of Doing Business. |
Mr. Raghupati Singhania, Chairman and Managing Director, J K Tyre and Industry Ltd., said that there should be proper control over environment pollution first to attract investors from other countries, in his quote. |
Mr. Banmali Agrawal, President and Chief Executive Officer (South Asia), GE India requested every citizen of India to contribute more with positive thought and free consent to bring India at a level of sustainable development, in his talk. |
Mr. Jubin Irani, concluded the session by saying that we have 8 states and 1 Union Territory in Northern Region. If one state can complement the other state, full advantages of the joint economy can help in pushing “Make in India Mission” ahead for achieving an excellent growth through investment and employment to bring Indian economy on the path of success with a tremendous speed.
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