Faculty Development Program on Human Values and Professional Ethics |
30th June to 7th July 2016 |
A Faculty Development Program on Human Values & Professional Ethics was organized by Value Education Cell, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam University from 30th June 2016 to 7th July 2016 at ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad. The workshop was organized to train the teachers who would be teaching HVPE. The basic objective of the program was to give an overview of Human Values & Professional Ethics subject being taught in the university curriculum. Ms. Swati Srivastava, Assistant Professor of Management Department from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the FDP. |
Day 1: 30th June 2016 |
Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Coordinator, inaugurated the program. Dr. Manishi Mishra, Facilatator shared some examples from his own life exploring the importance of Human Values in personal as well as professional life. |
Day 2: 1st July 2016 |
Mr. Yogesh Jadav, Associate Professor, Facilitator from Royal University of Bhutan & Value Education Cell discussed the basic concepts of Human Values. He also discussed Role of Education in Holistic Development, giving some relevant examples. During the post lunch session, he showed his short movie on "Story of the Stuff ". |
Day 3: 2nd July 2016 |
Er. Moti Chand Yadav, Facilitator, Value Education Cell discussed the process of Self - Exploration. He also discussed the way of exploring natural acceptance in our selves. During post lunch session, he shared a video on Right Understanding. |
Day 4: 3rd July 2016 |
Mr. Yogesh Jadav discussed Happiness and Harmony. He said that the physical appearance is composed of both I & Body. The day concluded with a Short Movie on "Havera Bazaar". |
Day 5: 4th July 2016 |
Mr. Jadav discussed Harmony at various levels, i.e Harmony in Self, Family, Society and Nature. He said that one should try to improve the continuity of Happiness at every level and phases of personal and professional life. During post lunch session, a group discussion was conducted between the participants of the Workshop. |
Day 6: 5th July 2016 |
Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Observer from Krishna Engineering College discussed Competence, Over Evaluation, Under Evaluation and Other Wise Evaluation. Er. Moti Chand Yadav discussed differentiation on Body, Physical Facility and Society. The movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was shown during the post lunch session. |
Day 7: 6th July 2016 |
Mr. Yadav discussed the five dimensions, i.e. Education, Health, Production, Justice and Exchange of Human Order. He also discussed Human, Animal, Pranic and Physical Order and there after explained how to achieve Sanyam and Shanti in our life. |
Day 8: 7th July 2016 |
On the last day, Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Coordinator, Value Education Cell discussed the planning of AKTU for expanding the importance of the "Human Values & Professional Ethics". He also evaluated the performance and participation of each participant after seeing their presentations. |
The day ended with Certificate Distribution. |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2016 |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2015 |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2014 |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2013 |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2012 |