Short Term Course on “Research Tools, Techniques and Software Applications for Quality Research” |
IIT, Roorkee |
13th to 17th June 2016 |
A Short term course on “Research Tools, Techniques and Software Applications for Quality Research” was organized by IIT Roorkee during 13th to 17th June 2016. Ms. Swati Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida participated in the STC. |
The objective of the course was to abreast the faculty with the latest Research Methodology and explore different Research Tools, Techniques and Software Applications which are being used for Quality Research in Social Sciences. |
Day 1: 13-06-2016 |
Prof D. K. Nauriyal, Professor, IIT Roorkee started the first session with an overview of Research Methodology in which he explored its objectives, significance, types of research and various statistical measures. He discussed theoretical concepts framework of Research Process and Research Design. |
In the second session Dr. Nauriyal explained the different methods of data and information collection from the different respondents. Prof. S.P. Singh, IIT Roorkee discussed how to prepare a Research Proposal for both individual research and institutional research projects. |
Day 2: 14-06-2016 |
In the first session, Dr. Nauriyal discussed Survey Research which is helpful to in learning how to conduct a survey and design questionnaire. He said that Survey Research is being conducted in almost all areas of management, economics and social sciences. |
In next lecture Dr. J.K. Nayak, Professor, IIT Roorkee illustrated different types of measurement and scaling techniques used in Social Science Research. He said that for different types of research, we should use appropriate scaling techniques. |
Day 3: 15-06-2016 |
In the first session Prof. S. P. Singh discussed various Parametric and Non - Parametric Tests and their practical Applications. |
In the second session Prof. Singh delivered a lecture on Advanced Multivariate Analysis. He explained different techniques of Factor Analysis and Discriminate Analysis used in Social Sciences. |
Day 4: 16-06-2016 |
Prof. S.P. Singh delivered a lecture on DEA Technique for Decision Making and conducted practical using EXCEL and SPSS. He also gave a brief idea on Econometrics. |
In the second Session Dr. Rahul K. Gairola, Professor, IIT Roorkee delivered a lecture on How to write and publish a Research Paper. |
In the next Lecture Prof. Rajendra Kumar Deswal, HSS, NIT Kurukshetra discussed issues related to Intellectual Property Rights. |
Day 5: 17-06-2016 |
In the First session Prof Nauriyal delivered a lecture on Data Interpretation, Report Writing and Presentation. He focused on how to write a good quality report and also explained the precautions to be taken for improving the quality of research paper. |
Last session of the course ended with a 15 minutes presentation of all the participants and distribution of certificates. |
Click here to view Events & Seminar 2016 |
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