Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida |
Department of Master of Business Administration |
National Seminar on Skill India Challenges and Solutions |
PHD Chamber, New Delhi |
20th September, 2014 |
A National Seminar on Skill India-Challenges and Solutions was organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industryon 20th September, 2014 at PHD House, New Delhi. Dr. Sahab Singh, Assistant Professor along with Lokendra Yadav, Department of Management Studies from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noidaattended the seminar.
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, established in 1905, is a proactive and dynamic multi-State uppermost organization of the business community moving towards grand success through promoting industry, trade and entrepreneurship for the socio-economic development and capacity building in several fields of India. |
The objective of this seminar was to discuss the various challenges and hindrances regarding current skill scenario and obtain the valuable inputs of eminent personalities by bringing them on its common platform for constructing the new skill policies which can make India a hub for world manufacturing. |
Session 1: Inaugural Speak |
Dr. Sharad Jaipuria, President, PHD Chamber, complimented the chief guest for sparing valued time from a quite full of activity schedule to a keynote address over Skill India, greeted delegates and audience for being their whole heartedly. |
Honorable Minister Shri. Sarbananda Sonowal, Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports stated in his key address that Honorable Prime Minister of India has intensified us to make India Skill Capital of the world and said that the current government has also deepened its engagements very seriously with countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea to obtain their skillful methodologies for applying in training & skilling Indian youth for jobs and jobs creation.
Mr. Tahsin Zahid, Chairman Skill Development Committee, PHD Chamber, stressed upon developing an appropriate training system instead of teaching syllabus only in all academic institutions and universities for a better growth and sustainable skill development in all spheres of the nation. Also he accentuated that “Skill India & Happy India” will be a better way to give a pleasant smile on the face of our nation. |
Mr. Mahesh Gupta, Vice President, PHD Chamber, complimented the government for being positive towards skilling every Indian by formulating skill development policies for accelerating the growth of the economy. He strained upon the need of harness the human capital with the requisite set of skills in both fields information related to job and ethics. |
Mr. Ravi Varanasi, Chief Business Development, NSE Mumbai, added that skilled people will really help in nation building. |
Dr. Rubina Mittal, Co-Chairperson, Education Committee, PHD Chamber thanked all intellectuals for a motivational speak and invited all to join a network tea after proposing the vote of thanks. |
Session 2: Industry and Training Providers Perspective |
Mr. Jatinder Singh, Sr. Secretary, PHD Chamber moderated this program in the second half for taking the views of people in this regards and shared a real inspirational story of skilling people to motivate the audience.
Mr. Tushar Pandey, Sr. President and Country Head Retails, YES Bank Ltd. has articulated his insights by saying that it is an issue of mind set and one cannot make anybody skilled until and unless he is ready to learn. |
Mr. N K Mohapatra, CEO, Electronics Sector Skills Council of India has given a presentation over the current employability ratio in industry, service and agriculture sectors respectively which requires to be improved by making some changes in these sectors. It is 22% in industry, 24% in service and 54% in agriculture which require bringing on 28%, 33% and 39% respectively. It does not mean that we are trying to reduce the employability ratio in agriculture sector but be trying to shift it to the organized (industry and service) sectors by making people skilled because the manpower engaged in the agriculture is mostly unorganized and unskilled. |
Mr. M V V Prasada Rao, Director (Vocational Education) CBSEsaid that despite best efforts of the Board to promote and propagate the vocation education at the secondary level, only 5-8 per cent of secondary schools across the country are imparting the vocation training to the students. Mr. Rao lamented that the board has been facing resistance from the school heads, their faculties and parents of the students against its efforts to popularize vocation education which is defeating the objective of the CBSE. |
Mr. Atul Ahuja, Vice President Retail, Apollo Pharmacy put emphasis upon creating big assets by investing in human capital through the continuous training to the people who are the part of your system. |
The audience discussed various challenges and solutions related to skill development in India. The discussion in this meet was quite spirited and profitable to all. It came to an end with the networking lunch. |
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