Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida |
Conference on ‘Optimal Utilization of Resources in Agriculture’ |
CII - ICAR, Gurgaon |
6th August, 2014 |
A Conference on ‘Optimal Utilization of Resources in Agriculture’ was organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in collaboration with the Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India on 6th August, 2014 at Hotel Lemontree, Gurgaon. Dr. Sahab Singh Faculty of Management along with students Rishab Tyagi, Sunita and Pragya Shakya students of MBA 2nd Year, Department of Management Studies from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended it. |
The objective of this meet was to contribute to the meeting of the world food needs by optimum utilization of resources available in an economy by focusing on utilization of soil, water, energy and natural resources in the best possible manner that sustains agriculture. |
Session began with the welcome note by Mr. Akshay Bector, Chairman, CII Regional Committee of Food & Agriculture (Northern Region) & Managing Director, Mrs. Bector’s Specialities Food Ltd. He greeted the guests and addressed the audience over balanced use of biological and natural resources in making dream “Evergreen India” come true of every Indian citizen. |
Session 1: Water & Land Management : |
The first formal session of the conference, chaired by Dr. S K Datta, Deputy Director General-Crop Science, ICAR, Government of India. It was the first green revolution in 1960 since that lot of development in irrigation water system has taken place and more than 60% population of our country depends on agriculture while a large percentage of it is based on rainfall only which is not acceptable, said in his speech. |
Dr. Arvind Kapur, Chief Executive Officer, Rasi Seeds, stated there has been always a gap between policies and practices. Policies are making a vital role in an economy, many policies are hanging around and many are not working. Also he said that 600 Kisaan Vikas Kendras and 1,10,000 Kisaan Sahayaks & Officers are available to help the farmers across the country but result of agriculture is not going to improve because the farmers of India are not able to take the benefits due to lake of knowledge and knowing their rights. |
Mr. Yonatan Ben-Zaken, Head of Economic & Trade Mission, Embassy of Israel,added that we have to bring the sets of problems together to discuss with Governments and have to apply the modern technologies and multidisciplinary approaches in agriculture sector especially available with us. |
Mr. S K Sharma, Member, CII Regional Committee of Food & Agriculture (Northern Region) & Managing Director, Global AgriSystem Pvt. Ltd.,proposed note of thanks by saying “Sabhi Kisaan Bhaiyo Ko Mera Namaskar” and requested to give a big round of applauds for farmers. |
Dr. Rajinder Parshad, Consultant (R&D), Dhanuka Agritech Ltd., suggested some appropriate irrigation methods for the benefit of Indian farmers to utilize the land resources effectively and efficiently through his robust presentation on Rain Water Harvesting and has shown a small documentary of a great actor Amitabh Bachchan on rain water saving. |
Mr. Naresh Modi, Project Director (NCPAH), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India stressed upon that a thousand of ton water is required to produce only a few kilograms of grains to eat and indicated towards adoption of micro irrigation system for a better future.
Mr. Ajay Rana, CEO & MD, Savannah Seeds Ltd. shown in his very small presentation that Indians can make 14 Million Hectare rice land free for other crops by using new hybrid seeds. |
Mr. Dan Alluf, Agriculture Counsellor, Embassy of Israel addressed upon Indo-Israel Agriculture Cooperation Project and suggested Drip irrigation system to apply in India for getting more benefits from agriculture sector. |
Mr. S Makhija, Vice President, Jain Irrigations Pvt. Ltd. shared vast experience by saying “It is necessary for every Indian to think that how much grain we can produce by utilizing a specific quantity of water instead of how much we can produce in a specific area of land.” |
Dr. O P Yadav, Director, Directorate of Maize Research, ICAR, Government of India has focused upon hybrid technology in India and Africa as well by showing a small presentation on “Maize & Millets Research and Utilisation in India”. |
Session 2: Inputs Management : |
Mr. Alok Mishra, Project Director (NCPAH), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, made this session much attention-grabbing by delivering a talk on knowledge on protected cultivation. |
Dr. G Chaluvaraju, Regional Production Manager, Nunhems India Pvt. Ltd., advocated that 15-20% yields in production can be added if the seed quality improvement is done and shifting cultivation methods can add it more. |
Dr. R K Tyagi, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Germplasm Conservation, National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources, ICRA, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, spoken that China has transformed two genes of wild rice and proved a drastic change by increasing 50-80% production in the same area of land and suggested that there should be a proper provision of funds for gene banking by Indian Government in its National Agriculture Policy. |
Session 3: Farm Mechanisation focusing on Small Farmers : |
Dr. C Prabhu, Partner & Sr. Vice President, Rabo Equity Advisors, pointed out that how the small farmers can adopt the latest and expensive technologies in India. |
Session 4: Importance of Weather Forecasting in Agriculture : |
Dr. B K Singh, Founder Chairman and Managing Director of BKC WeatherSys Pvt. Ltd, having over 40 years of experience in international business in the domains of agricultural commodities, retail and meteorology has remarked how to make the rainfall prediction in India. |
The audience discussed several programs related to advancement of Indian agriculture available in different schemes of the Government. After this healthy debate conference came to an end by joining a networking lunch in late afternoon. |
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