Mr. Subrahmani Babu gave insight into the various attacks used by cyber criminals to manipulate and use sensitive information of people round the world. He further added the goal of Cyber Forensics is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and presenting facts and opinions about the digital information. It is the application of scientifically proven methods to gather, process, interpret, and to use digital evidence to provide a conclusive description of Cyber Crime activities. It also includes the act of making digital data suitable for inclusion into a criminal investigation. Mr. Subrahmani Babu gave hands on session to the students on different cyber forensic tools used for investigation on a cyber crime scene and explained about Cyber Forensics, branch of digital forensic science pertains to legal evidence found in Computers and digital storage media. It is the scientific process of identification, seizure, acquisition, authentication, analysis, documentation and preservation of digital evidence involved in cyber crimes committed using computer systems, computer network, mobile devices and other peripheral devices.