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Events and Seminars

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida
Microsoft Imrb Paras 3 Internship Closing Ceremony
August 5th, 2014

The closing ceremony of the one month Internship Programme by IMRB Microsoft was held at Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida on 5th August, 2014. The project named Paras 3 was flagged off on 24th June, 2014 with a five day training programme which ended on 28th June, 2014.


Students from four colleges, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Noida Institute of  Engg & Technology and Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies participated in this coveted event. The aim of the programme was to provide IT Enablement of MSME’S to help them optimize their business and reach out to a  larger market and also at the same time give the students an exposure to work on live projects. This would make the studentsTechnology Evangelists’.


During subsequent days of training they were given thorough exposure on Microsoft Office 365 during which they learnt to develop websites and softwares on O 365.On the last day of the training i.e. 28th June, 2014 the students visited the Microsoft Office Gurgaon for the final leg of their training where they were addressed by Mr. S. Chandrasekhar, Group Director, Government Affairs & Public Policy - Microsoft Indiawho briefed them about the objective of this programme and what is expected of these students.


The internship programme started on 30th June, 2014 in which the students had to visit MSME’S and provide them IT Solutions which would help them maximize their business potential. This internship culminated on 26th July, 2014.


A number of delegates from academia and industry attended the closing ceremony at DGI, Gr.Noida. Amongst the delegates present at the concluding ceremony were Mr. Robin Cherian, Associate Research Manager ETech: IT & Telecom Practice (IMRB International), Mr. Jitendra Sharma (IMRB International),  Mr. Vijay Anand, Insight Director, (IMRB International)and Mr. S. Chandrasekhar Group Director, Government Affairs & Public Policy - Microsoft India. Amongst the delegates from academia were Dr. M.S Murali, Director (DGI), Dr. Supriya Madan, Director, Vivekananda School of Information Technology, Ms. Madhu, Head of Department (MCA) GLBITM, Prof. Sachin Gupta HOD (CSE) DGI, Gr. Noida, Mr. Divyanshu Sinha HOD (IT) DGI, Gr. Noida.


A total of 28 students presented their best project followed by the feedback of this internship programme. The participants were questioned on their projects by delegates from IMRB & Microsoft. This was followed by a feedback on the internship programme by the faculty mentors from different colleges.


Then came the time for which all were anxiously waiting with bated breathe, the results.


The team of Mr. Rajan Kumar (IT) DGI. Gr. Noida and Mr. Sandeep Banerjee (CSE) DGI, Gr. Noida won the award for the Best Project in Delhi NCR Region .


The moment became all the more special  when it was announced that Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gr Noida was declared the Best College in Delhi NCR in this competition. The students experienced  a huge wave of emotions and celebrations as their hard work had finally paid off.

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