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Events and Seminars

Industrial Visit to Huawei India
12th November 2014

An Industrial Visit to Huawei India –Gurgaon was organized on November 12th, 2014 by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida. 70 Students of ECE & EEE (3rd and 5th Semesters) along with Mr. Shiv Bhushan and Dr. Sarika Agarwal (Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.) and Mr. Sunil Kumar (Assistant Professor, EEE Dept.) went for this educative excursion. Huawei India deals in telecommunication equipment and network solutions. It connects global customers via voice, data, multimedia and WLAN. Its telecom network equipment, IT products and solutions, and smart devices are used in 170 countries. With an annual sales revenue of USD39.6 billion in 2013, Huawei is ranked 285th on the Global Fortune 500 list.

Mr. Manish Goyal, Manager, Huawei delivered a lecture on technological advancements in telecom technologies. The lecture provided very significant knowledge about Telecom services. He also described the working model of telecom infrastructure in India. He described many recent innovations and advancements in GSM, CDMA and OSI Layer. He demonstrated the installation and manufacturing processes. After the lecture, hands on practice for the circuit assembling and manufacturing of switching networks and routers was provided.

This industrial visit provided the first-hand knowledge about the organizational structures and modes of operation in a telecom industry.

This trip was organized about to create an awareness about the recent technologies of mobile networks and improve the basic knowledge about GSM and CDMA technologies. The visit was very informative and interesting which provided a base to bridge the gap between classroom and the telecom industries.

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