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Events and Seminars

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida
Pearson Business Conference on International Alliance Partnerships for Indian
The Royal Plaza Hotel, New Delhi
February 28th, 2015

A Business Conference on “International Alliance Partnerships for Indian Institutions” was organized by Unica Solutions in association with Pearson at The Royal Plaza Hotel, New Delhi on February 28th, 2015. The objective of this conference was to promote the establishment of UBSO centers across India, especially in engineering institutions, wherein students nearing the completion of their engineering degree would be awarded an additional MBA degree from Northampton University without any extra time. The event was partnered by Universal Business School, Oxford in association with Pearson. The event saw a total turn-around of 50 dignitaries from various organizations. Prof. Ashwani Kumar, Administrator Academics and Mr. Subhrajit Nag, HOD (IT & MCA) from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended the session as delegates.

The three hour session began with the introductory speech delivered by Ms. Isabel Sutcliffe, International Standards and Quality Director of Pearson Education India. She introduced the audience to the panelists who were to give their presentations for the day. The audience was enlightened on the different stratas of education field in which Pearson operates. Pearson BTEC qualification and the domains of LCCI degree was explained at length, along with the Pearson qualifications required for progression onto its undergraduate degree programmes.

Mr. Dishant Kharbanda, Senior Consultant of Unica Solutions and Founder of Uniagents came on the dais to discuss about the change in learning pattern among students and encouraged the use of online learning strategies through MOOCs and moodles. The mike was handed over to Prof. David Faulkner, Chairman and Founder of Universal Business Schools, Oxford who threw light on the concepts of MBA and showed the path to pursue MBA in UK.

After a brief question-answer session, the conference ended with the concluding speech by Ms. Isabel Sutcliffe and subsequent lunch.

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