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Events and Seminars

Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida
Workshop on How to Write a Quality Technical Paper and Where
to publish within IEEE
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
August 11th, 2014

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)  in collaboration with IEEE organized a Workshop at IIT Delhi on 11th August, 2014. Participants who attended this workshop comprised of practitioners from Government and Private industries, faculty members from engineering colleges and students. Ms. Shalini Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology represented Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida in this coveted event.


The objective of this workshop was to develop an understanding of how to write a research paper that can be publish on IEEE platform and also described about the quality of paper.


The session was inaugurated by Dr. S. Singh, Professor and Dy. Director, IIT Delhi. He welcomed Prof. Sifur Rahman, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE and explained the need of quality research. Nancy Blair, Senior Publishing Relations Manager, IEEE talked about the IEEE membership benefits and also gave tips on how to prepare, write and submit a quality technical papers.


Keynote Speaker Prof. Rahman stressed on Quality of Papers and how to make it. He emphasized upon to write papers to make a difference in technical world. He aimed at senior undergraduates and enthusiastic graduate students-who are working on research projects and seek recognition of their research through IEEE publications. He also discussed about the key points of paper rejections and described the paper pattern. He guided for writing a technical paper using following criteria: Where to publish, Choose an audience, Paper Structure and Ethics, simultaneously he  addressed  the questions  raised by audience time to time.


After tea break, Prof. Rahman explained about what the research has achieved, future areas, summary of main findings and implications for the field.

Prof. Rahman explained the Ethics ,open Access and journal impact factors, which help to recognize the authors involvement and contribution. He believes that IEEE  motivate  researchers  to participate in a STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] educational track to create quality papers and attract them to the engineering field as they align their future careers with inspirations.


Next session was followed by Mr. Rachel Berrington, MLS Director, IEEE Client Services on Next Step topic. She explained the working functions about IEEE explorer website, how to search the different options and table content alerts. This was an interactive session in which participants and the panelists discussed some issues in IEEE website.


The workshop came to an end with question answer session and discussed IEEE  Power and Energy Technology Systems Journals.

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