Events and Seminars


ICT Program on Preparing Students for Job Interview


9th September 2016



National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh conducted one day program on “Preparing Students for Job Interview” for final year students on 9th September 2016. The program was organized at Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida through ICT. The program was attended by 50 students of CE, EEE and ECE Department, DGI, Greater Noida.

The event was inaugurated by Dr. PK Tulsi Head of the department of Education and Educational Management, NITTTR Chandigarh. She discussed the objectives and importance of program. Dr. Tulsi explained the competencies expected of the workforce, which consists of the following:


1. Technical Knowledge

2. Technical Skills

3. Soft Skills

4. Communication

5. Team Work

6. Interpersonal skills

7. Leadership

8. Problem Solving

9. Adaptability


The steps to prepare for the interview were also discussed in this session.


Mr. Ramandeep Singh Sidhu, HR Head, Aerospace shared his experiences with the students and discussed the Expectation of the Industry from the Engineers. Mr. Sidhu explained about various approaches on a problem so that interviewer can see creativeness, deep knowledge in a particular domain and the attitude to solve any new problem.


Mr. Sanmeet Sandhu, Thapar University, Patiala took the next session. He explained to the students how to prepare the resume and shared the format of resume with the audience. He stressed upon the 48 factors which should be kept in mind during the preparation of resume. He emphasized on:-


1. Learning Skill: - learning is a comprehensive skill not a simple skill.

2. Team Work: - Ability to work in a Team.

3. Leadership Quality

4. Logical Thinking

5. Problem Solving Skill

6. Social Sensitivity etc.


The next session was carried forward by Dr. Sunil Dutt, Professor of Education and Educational Management. He discussed the oral communication and how it is helpful during the interview time.


Next, Dr. Vidhu Mohan, Former Professor of Psychology Department, Punjab University explained Pre and Post Interview Planning. She explained the students how to react, how to sit and how to manage one’s body language while facing interviews.


Dr. Mohan advised that one should never use words which are not relevant to him / her. She gave an exercise to the students to examine them. During her session she shared a presentation that contained the following questions for self-analysis:-


1. Who am I?

2. Interview Phase

3. Appearance

4. Timing


Dr. S.P. Bedi carried forward the session and explained the concept of Group Discussion. In the session, she explained the following:-


1. What do Panelist Assess in GD (Like Ability to work in Team, Communication and Interpersonal Skill & Reasoning Ability etc).

2. Leading a discussion.

3. Sitting Posture in Group Discussion.

4. Dress during Group Discussion.

5. Do’s and Don’ts during the Group Discussion.

6. Nature of Topics for Group Discussion.


She also discussed Case studies related to the mistakes that are committed during Group Discussion with the students.


In the end there was interactive question and answers session where the participant raised their doubts and same was clarified by esteem dignitaries. It was very interactive and knowledgeable session for the students.


Some Glimpses:

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