An Industrial Visit to Mother Dairy was organized on 23rd November 2015 for first year students of CSE, CSIT, IT, EEE and ECE by the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Dronacharya Group Of Institutions, Greater Noida.
The objective of the visit was to enhance general awareness of the students related to the processing and manufacturing of dairy products. Mother Dairy, Delhi was set up in 1974 under the Operation Flood Programme, of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). It is one of the largest milk (liquid/unprocessed) plants in Asia selling more than 25 lakh liters of milk per day.
The visit began with the small introduction to the Flood Revolutions. Mr. Jose (Factory Operations Manager) made the students familiar with the history of the Mother Dairy Plant. He told the students about white revolution, primitive and newer modes of milk collection and distribution. He discussed the actual milk processing capacity of the plant and steps in processing.
Further, a small documentary film on Mother Dairy Plant was shown, which projected the process of milk production. Students interacted with the staff of Mother Dairy Plant and their staff detailed that the process in the making of milk and other products is totally automated and internationally designed by keeping in mind the hygiene standards.
Overall, the activity was highly interactive and learning.