Col. Mahesh discussed the “India’s 112 Service”. He told India will have 112 as the number for seeking any emergency services including police, fire and ambulance. The emergency system will also be integrated with the road transport ministry, a process that involves setting up an emergency button on buses. He discussed the aim of the project which was to integrate emergency call numbers like those for police (100), fire (102) and ambulance (103) into one to not only act as "receivers" of emergency calls but also as "responders" in a very quick time. Further he explained that Under the scheme, a Centralized Operations Centre will be set up in Delhi, with call centre’s in the state capitals which will receive distress messages from mobile phones, landlines, SMS, email, online chats, panic buttons in public transport, VoIP, mobile applications or Internet of Things. "Not only women but anyone in distress will be able to connect through voice or data and help will reach them within minutes," |