Mr. Damandeep, Networking Professional, Network Bulls addressed the students and delivered a lecture on introduction of “Routing and Switching” and explained the difference between the two. He said, Router routes between the network and Routing is a process which is done between two networks using IP addresses. On the other switch switches within the subnet, is termed as switching. In switching packets are transferred from source to destination using MAC address. Switching is done within the network. After the discussion, students were taken to the labs of Network Bulls for hands on experience which encompassed fully dedicated racks and devices, CCNA R&S, CCNA Security and CCNA Voice racks and devices, CCNP R&S, CCNP Security, CCNP Voice, CCIE R&S V5, CCIE Security V4 and CCIE Voice/Collaboration tracks. To equip students with advance concepts in networking leading to their eligibility for appearing in Global Certification examination on networking Mr. Damandeep told about some certification like |