The Course duration of B.Tech. is of 4 years, MBA is of 2 years and MCA is of 3 years, with each year uniformly divided into two semesters each of 6 months duration. The Semester is well planned in advance as per the guidelines of the University. The entire course content is efficiently covered through Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals. The Faculty works assiduously making all out endeavors to cover the prescribed syllabi well in time. To boost the confidence and to strengthen the knowledge of the students regular assignments are given. Two Sessional Examinations are held with reasonable intervals to assess or evaluate the level of the students.
The Internal Examination enables the Faculty to identify the weak students for whose Benefit and upgradation special classes are held in extra time. This well planned device and its exquisite execution enhance the student's level in the concerned subject and make them feel comfortable in the University Examinations. Simultaneously, Seminars, Group Discussions and other similar academic activities are organized which eventually prepare the students to dare to dream of a scintillating success.