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Workshop on


Vehicle Design and Dynamics


18th - 19th November, 2016


DGI SAEINDIA COLLEGIATE CLUB organized a workshop on Vehicle Design and Dynamics on 18th & 19th November, 2016. Mr. Gaurav Singh and Mr. Ashwini Sharma from Association of Innovation and Mectra Engineers (AIME) India were the resource persons for the workshop. 36 students from B.Tech (ME) attended the workshop.


The objective of this workshop was to help participants to learn concepts of designing and manufacturing which would groom their technical skills and promote interest in them.


Prof. D. V. Bhise (HOD, Mechanical Engineering) welcomed Mr. Gaurav Singh and Mr. Ashwini Sharma with a bouquet. During the welcome address he briefed the SAE events and their importance in student’s life and career and explained them the value of automation in Mechanical Engineering.


Day 1: 18th November 2016

Mr. Ashwini Sharma started the session with the presentation on SAE events that included Supra, Baja and Effi-Cycle. He highlighted some important aspects of the event:



Mr. Sharma said that SUPRA is an event that challenges young minds to compete as teams in designing a Formula category vehicle. The objective is to develop a vehicle consisting of various sub systems, meeting engineering specifications, timelines and above all meeting safety standards. He further added that the event helps shape future engineers through competitive spirit and encompasses all elements of a vehicle building for aesthetics in design, to the choice of parts, through structure design and modeling, to fabrication and testing.



While giving detail of BAJA, Mr. Sharma said that it is a team event which involves building a simple all-terrain vehicle for recreation purpose that is aesthetically and ergonomically sound while still being a fun and durable machine in the real world conditions. The evaluation process for the BAJA SAEINDIA is a twofold process and students have to clear the Virtual Baja preliminary round before they start manufacturing their vehicle for the main event.



Mr. Gaurav explained the concept of Effi-cycle. He gave detail of automobile with engineering aspects involved in it.


During the second session of the day, students were given some tasks including free hand sketching of exteriors of cars and design of chassis by using design software -Solid Works.


Day 2: 19th November 2016

The first session of the second day was dedicated to the basics of automobile including design of various assemblies like steering, braking system, suspension, tyres, engine and transmission. Mr. Ashwini briefed students about various calculations that are required in designing these assemblies. Students were given an assignment to design braking system of a vehicle by using CAD.


During the second session, Mr. Gaurav described the virtual round of SAE events and gave the software information like LOTUS, CATIA & SOLID WORKS for the virtual round. He explained how to design a virtual car by using these softwares. Later the students designed the SAE Baja model of the car in Solid Works


Q&A Session was held where students put forth their queries about SAEINDIA competitions. The workshop was very interactive and informative and has instilled confidence in the students and made them aware about various SAE events as well as Vehicle Design & Dynamics.


The workshop ended with Vote of Thanks delivered by Prof. D.V. Bhise (HOD, Mechanical Engineering)

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