Events and Seminars


Expert Lecture on

Introducing Wavelets Transforms through the Haar Multi

Resolution Analysis and connecting it to Two Band Filter Bank

Conducted by

IEEE SSCS Delhi Chapter

18th November 2016



A Lecture on “Introducing Wavelets Transforms through the Haar Multi Resolution Analysis and connecting it to Two Band Filter Bank” was organized by IEEE SSCS Delhi Chapter on 18th November 2016 at ST Microelectronics, Greater Noida. Eminent Professor Dr. V.M. Gadre, IIT Bombay conducted the lecture which was attended by invited guests from industries and Institutions. Five faculty members Ms. Shailika Sharma, Mrs. Rasveen, Mr. Raj Ranjan Prasad, Mr. Sunil Kumar and Mr. Anoop Mishra along with six students from ECE and EEE Department of DGI, Greater Noida attended the lecture.

Inaugurating the session, Mr. Rakesh Malik, IEEE Head SSCS Delhi chapter gave a brief of activities carried out by IEEE SSCS in previous years.

Prof. V.M. Gadre started the lecture with an explanation of Wavelets. He described wavelets in compression and discussed the advantages of wavelets over Fourier transform. He gave an introduction to STFT (Short Time Fourier Transform) which is used for time localization and to analyze non stationary signals. He then illustrated Multi Resolution Analysis - The Haar Transform by giving an example of Array of 8 pixel values. He calculated its final array as the Haar wavelets (multi resolution of original data).

Dr. Gadre gave an informative presentation on the topic “Time Frequency Resolution” and explained the objective of Time Spread and Uncertainty Principle. During the concluding session he covered applications of wavelets in Signal Processing problems, Biometric Security, Canny Edge detection & Hough Transform, Haar Decomposition & Matching and Iris Normalization.

The lectures provided an insight on Wavelets, Haar Transform and Time Frequency Resolution. A Quiz Competition was organized at the end of the session to access participants’ involvement during the lecture. Ms. Shailika Sharma (Faculty of ECE Dept.) was gifted a book “Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuit” by Dr. Gadre for answering a question during the Quiz.

In the plenary session, Prof. Gadre thanked all the participants and expressed his regards to all the members of the organizers.

Click here to view Seminar 2016
Click here to view Seminar 2015
Click here to view Seminar 2014
Click here to view Seminar 2013


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